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Butler Buzz

  • Tips for Reflecting on Intentional Teaching

    Tips for Reflecting on Intentional Teaching

    Intentional teaching involves "deliberate, purposeful and thoughtful" decisions in your environments, interactions and children's learning. The documentation you keep must show intentional teaching practices at its core. Here we break down Intentional Teaching Strategies and reflecting on these in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diaries.
  • "Beautiful and Visually Appealing": A Case Study

    "Beautiful and Visually Appealing": A Case Study

    We love seeing the different ways educators are adding their own personality to their documentation. We checked out the Torquay Kids' teams Diaries and saw how educators are using different methods such as highlighting and photos to complete planning and reflections.
  • "It's doing your work for you" A Case Study

    "It's doing your work for you" A Case Study

    "I don't know where it has been all my life."

    Leanne is a veteran Educator in the industry for nearly 40 years. As a relief worker, she visits many centres with different philosophies and practices. When asked about her practice and method, she points to the Butler Method supporting her in her programming and practice. Leanne feels the Butler Method has simplified her documentation and helped her meet her obligations. She has described the diary as doing her work for her.

  • child-playing-with-blocks-butler-diaries

    The Importance of Critical Reflection in Early Childhood Education

    Critical reflection – the process of carefully evaluating the outcomes of our actions – can help us to improve our educational methods, and thus to better meet the needs of the children in our care. Critical reflection is a skill that comes with time and experience, but it’s well worth putting in the effort to hone it, as it will help you to continuously learn and improve your practice over time. Read on to find out more about how you can apply critical reflection in your early childhood education centre.
  • Print Ready Photo Evidence for your Weekly Programming and Reflection Child Educator Diary

    Print Ready Photo Evidence for your Weekly Programming and Reflection Child Educator Diary

    We have created print ready photo templates to make providing photo evidence easier. They are the perfect size to print and stick into your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary. The Design is drag and drop friendly and works with Free Canva Accounts. Learn more...
  • Unpacking the New EYLF V 2.0 and MTOP V 2.0 Frameworks

    Unpacking the New EYLF V 2.0 and MTOP V 2.0 Frameworks

    Updates to the EYLF and MTOP have been released in 2023. The new Approved Learning Frameworks will be recognised alongside the 2012 Frameworks until early 2024 in which V2.0 will replace V1.0. Here we unpack the changes to support you in your planning, QIP and reflective discussions to get ready for the changes.
  • Rated Exceeding "The Department Love It": A Case Study

    Rated Exceeding "The Department Love It": A Case Study

    We were lucky enough to be invited into Brady Bunch at Hervey Bay. This is one of their three Queensland centres with another three down South. The absolutely wonderful team took us through their service and how they achieved an Exceeding Rating. Brady Bunch completely flipped their planning and programming method and introduced the Butler Method is 2021.
  • being-belonging-becoming

    EYLF in Practice: Belonging, Being and Becoming

    Fundamental to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) are the three pillars Being, Belonging, and Becoming. These values guide the framework and our practice as Early Childhood Educators. This includes our mission, vision, and actions as well as our day-to-day operations. This article takes you through the three pillars of the EYLF.
  • Sustainability in Practice for ECEC

    Sustainability in Practice for ECEC

  • How our customers use our diaries for educator programming and reflection.

    How our customers use our diaries for educator programming and reflection.

    Take a look at how our customers use the Weekly Programming and Reflection diaries.
  • Butler Creative Childcare Resources Game changer

    A game changer for early childhood professionals

    As any early childhood or teaching professional will tell you, dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s in the form of observation, progress tracking and achieving educational outcomes is pretty much a full time job.
  • Thinking outside the box but within the NQS

    Thinking outside the box but within the NQS

    I was a family day care educator when my children were little. The industry was not as regulated back then and there were certainly not the resources available today that would enable you to stay within the regulatory guidelines.
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