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  • The Butler Method: Simplifying Programming and Reflection in Early Childhood Education and Care

    The Butler Method: Simplifying Programming and Reflection in Early Childhood Education and Care

    The Butler Method is a streamlined approach to programming and reflection in ECEC, designed to bring clarity, efficiency, and compliance to the often complex planning cycle. It is a boxed method that values intentional teaching while embracing spontaneous learning moments, seamlessly aligning with Frameworks. By offering a structured yet flexible approach, the Butler Method supports educators in meeting the requirements of NQS while also incorporating the insights of key educational theorists.

  • two children playing outdoors butler diaries

    How to Link Theorists to Observations in Early Childhood Education and Care

    The best way to learn about how to do something, whether it’s how to teach or how to care for children, is to learn from those who have already done it. Those individuals are called theorists, and their theories are the structures upon which much of the practice that you see around you was built. While all of these theories are extremely beneficial in your practice, it can be difficult to know how each one can be used effectively, especially if you’re new to the field of early childhood education and care.
  • 7 Behaviour Techniques for ECEC with Links to Theorists and Reflection Points

    7 Behaviour Techniques for ECEC with Links to Theorists and Reflection Points

    In Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), effective behaviour management techniques are crucial for creating a positive learning environment. Here are some techniques along with links to relevant theorists or research to support you in your practice and reflection...
  • Providing EYLF Information for Families: Free EYLF Portfolio Information for Families

    Providing EYLF Information for Families: Free EYLF Portfolio Information for Families

    At Butler Diaries, we understand the importance of making complex topics accessible, so we've created an EYLF Portfolio Information Pack for Families that you can include in the front pages of children's Portfolios. The Pack includes the purpose of a child's portfolio and explanations of linking to EYLF, how it works, the importance of play, children's progress, and working together. We've also included a bonus Elements of the Early Years Learning Framework Summary Page to help make it clear.
  • Linking EYLF and MTOP Practices to Theorists

    Linking EYLF and MTOP Practices to Theorists

    Here's another quick reference guide. This time to help you link the EYLF and MTOP practices with Theorists in Early Childhood Development. Perfect for your programming, reflections, and learning stories!

  • Linking EYLF and MTOP Principles to Theorists

    Linking EYLF and MTOP Principles to Theorists

    Here is a quick reference guide to help you link the EYLF and MTOP principles with Theorists in Early Childhood Development. Perfect for your programming, reflections, and learning stories!

  • Early Education Theorists - Butler Creative Childcare Resources

    Linking Theorists to the EYLF Outcomes

  • MTOP and EYLF Planning Cycle Explained: V2.0

    MTOP and EYLF Planning Cycle Explained: V2.0

    Here we have another article from our EYLF and MTOP V2.0 Series that explains the MTOP and EYLF V2.0 Planning Cycle. As well as explaining the EYLF Planning Cycle, we break down the process and walk you through examples.

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