The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) provides a foundation for high-quality early childhood education in Australia. It outlines key EYLF Practices that guide educators in designing and implementing learning experiences that support children’s development. Understanding these practices ensures that educators create meaningful, engaging, and inclusive learning environments that foster children's holistic growth.
What Are the EYLF Practices?
The EYLF Practices describe the ways educators support children’s learning through their teaching approaches, interactions, and environments. These practices are evidence-based and aligned with contemporary research on child development. The key EYLF Practices are:
- Practice 1: Holistic, Integrated and Interconnected Approaches
- Practice 2: Responsiveness to Children
- Practice 3: Play-based Learning and Intentionality
- Practice 4: Learning Environments
- Practice 5: Cultural Responsiveness
- Practice 6: Continuity of Learning and Transitions
Practice 7: Assessment and Evaluation for Learning, Development and Wellbeing
EYLF Practice 1: Holistic, Integrated and Interconnected Approaches
Holistic, integrated and interconnected approaches consider the whole child—physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects—when planning and delivering learning experiences.
Applying EYLF Practice 1:
You can apply holistic, integrated and interconnected approaches in your practices by:
Designing play-based learning experiences that integrate multiple areas of development.
Encouraging outdoor and nature-based activities that support physical and cognitive growth.
Supporting children’s emotional well-being through mindfulness and relaxation activities.
Providing sensory-rich learning environments to stimulate curiosity and exploration.
Creating routines that balance active play, rest, and social interaction.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Practice 1:
EYLF Practice 1: Holistic, Integrated and Interconnected Approaches will be visible throughout your documentation in many different ways, such as:
Learning stories highlighting children’s engagement in holistic activities.
Observations capturing how different aspects of development are supported like those captured in your Individual Observation Duplicate Book.
Photos of children participating in activities that integrate multiple domains. You can use our print ready photo evidence template and printer pack to help add photos to your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Reflections on strategies used to support the whole child under Intentional Teaching in the reflection spread of your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Feedback from families on their child’s overall well-being and learning progress under Family/Community Input in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Practice 1:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Practice 1 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I incorporate holistic approaches into my teaching? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Changes to the Environment and/or Routine & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
In what ways do I ensure that learning experiences support all areas of development? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered and/or Changes to the Environment depending on your actions)
How do I observe and document children’s holistic learning? (Individual/Group Observations Taken this Week, Learning Data and/or Routine & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
What strategies do I use to promote children’s well-being in my setting? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered and/or Routine & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
How do I encourage families to contribute to holistic learning experiences? (Family/Community Input and/or Professional Inquiry depending on your actions)
EYLF Practice 2: Responsiveness to Children
Being responsive to children means recognising and valuing their unique abilities, interests, and backgrounds. Educators adapt their teaching to align with children's needs and emerging ideas.
Applying EYLF Practice 2:
Educators can show responsiveness to children by:
Observing and documenting children's interests to inform curriculum planning.
Adjusting activities to accommodate individual learning styles and preferences.
Encouraging child-led learning experiences and open-ended exploration.
Using flexible routines that respond to children's changing needs.
Providing opportunities for children to make choices and express their thoughts.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Practice 2:
When Educators are responsive to children's needs and interests, it is evident through:
Notes on children’s evolving interests and how they shape learning activities. Some Educators use their programming notes pages at the end of their Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary to track and keep notes on children's goals based on their interests and experiences.
Photos of child-led learning experiences in action as seen in your Photo Evidence section of your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Observations capturing how children engage with responsive teaching practices. You can capture these observations in your Individual Observation Duplicate Book.
Learning journals showcasing children's progress and reflections. Our Amazing Year Learning Journals and Children's Voices Diary both capture children's ideas and reflections.
Family input on children's interests and home learning experiences recorded and utilised in your program.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Practice 2:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Practice 2 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I adapt my teaching to be responsive to children’s interests? (Intentional Teaching/ Learning Experiences Covered, Professional Inquiry, Routine & Transition Comments and/or Extension Planning depending on your actions)
What strategies do I use to encourage child-led learning? (Intentional Teaching/ Learning Experiences Covered, Changes to the Environment, Resources Used, Family/Community Input and/or Professional Inquiry depending on your actions)
How do I ensure that children’s voices are valued in curriculum planning? (Intentional Teaching/ Learning Experiences Covered and/or Projected Goals & Projected Outcomes Achieved? depending on your actions)
How do I document and reflect on children’s evolving needs? (Professional Inquiry)
What role do families play in shaping responsive learning experiences? (Professional Inquiry)
EYLF Practice 3: Play-Based Learning and Intentionality
Play is fundamental to children’s learning and development. It provides opportunities for exploration, creativity, problem-solving, and social interaction. Intentional teaching involves educators being deliberate, purposeful, and thoughtful in their teaching strategies. It balances child-initiated play with guided learning experiences.
Applying EYLF Practice 3:
Ensuring your program is a play-based and intentional program as per EYLF Practice 3, could look like any of the below:
Creating environments rich in open-ended materials for imaginative play.
Encouraging role-play and dramatic play to support social-emotional skills.
Providing hands-on activities such as block building and sensory play.
Using play-based inquiry to develop problem-solving and critical thinking.
Allowing time for uninterrupted, self-directed play.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Practice 3:
Observations highlighting children's engagement in play-based learning.
Photos of children participating in play-based inquiry activities. Take advantage of our Programming and Reflection Printer Pack to quickly document photo evidence.
Learning stories showcasing problem-solving through play. You can link children's play to learning outcomes in the Individual Observation Duplicate Book.
Notes on the developmental benefits observed through different types of play.
Feedback from children on their favourite play-based experiences.
- Program detailing intentional teaching strategies. Your program would show intentional teaching strategies and be supported by your reflections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
- Reflections on how intentional teaching impacts children’s development. You can use the below prompts to reflect under Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Practice 3:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Practice 3 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I facilitate play-based learning in my environment? (Intentional Teaching/ Learning Experiences Covered, Changes to the Environment, and/or Resources Used depending on your actions)
What strategies do I use to support different types of play? (Professional Inquiry)
How do I assess and document the learning that occurs through play? (Professional Inquiry)
What role do I play in extending children’s play experiences? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered and/or Extension Planning depending on your actions)
How do I advocate for the importance of play in early learning? (Professional Inquiry and/or Family/Community Input depending on your actions)
- How do I balance intentional teaching with child-led learning? (Learning Data and/or Professional Inquiry depending on your actions)
- How do I incorporate intentional teaching strategies into my practice? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Learning Data, Changes to the Environment, Resources Used and/or Routine & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
EYLF Practice 4: Learning Environments
Environments that support learning are intentionally designed to be safe, stimulating, and adaptable, fostering exploration, engagement, and independence.
Applying EYLF Practice 4:
Often the environment can not receive as much attention as it should, particularly the outdoor environment. Learning spaces should be as intentional as the rest of your program. This means:
Creating inviting spaces that encourage curiosity and problem-solving.
Designing areas that support individual, small group, and large group interactions.
Incorporating natural elements and open-ended materials for sensory exploration.
Ensuring spaces are inclusive and accessible for all children.
Using flexible setups that adapt to different learning styles and needs.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Practice 4:
Educators can show the intentional decisions around their learning environments by capturing:
Photos of various learning environments and how children interact with them. Include these in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary so they can play a role in your critical reflection and planning.
Observations of children's engagement with different areas and resources.
Reflections on changes made to the environment based on children’s interests using the 'Changes to the Learning Environment' in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Family input on how environments support their child’s learning and well-being, also captured in your reflection spread in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Records of improvements made to create a more inclusive setting. QIP notes in Office Diaries help to show steps and actions taken towards inclusivity.
Make sure the outdoor learning environments are provided as much intentional decision-making as the indoor environments with the Central Outdoor Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary designed for 1 program for each outdoor space providing a clear plan of how each room is intentionally planning their environment.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Practice 4:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Practice 4 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I design learning environments that are engaging and inclusive? (Professional Inquiry)
What materials and resources best support children’s learning? (Resources Used and/or Changes to the Environment depending on your actions)
How do I observe and adapt environments based on children’s needs? (Changes to the Environment)
What role do families and children play in shaping the learning space? (Professional Inquiry)
How can I make environments more accessible and responsive to diverse learners? (Changes to the Environment)
EYLF Practice 5: Cultural Responsiveness
Cultural responsiveness involves understanding, respecting, and incorporating the diverse cultural backgrounds of children, families, and communities into early learning settings. Educators strive to create inclusive environments that acknowledge and celebrate different cultural identities.
Applying EYLF Practice 5:
EYLF Practice 5 goes beyond ticking the cultural box and encourages educators to embed cultural responsiveness into the program. This could look like:
Learning about and incorporating children’s cultural backgrounds into programming.
Encouraging families to share traditions, stories, and cultural practices.
Using diverse books, music, and resources that reflect different cultures.
Supporting children in learning about their own and others’ cultural heritage.
Engaging in ongoing professional development on cultural awareness and anti-bias education.
- Reflecting on your cultural awareness and biases education.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Practice 5:
Cultural competence that is built into your program may look like:
Observations of children engaging in culturally inclusive activities.
Photos or learning stories showcasing cultural celebrations.
Family input on cultural traditions and contributions to learning environments.
Reflections on practices that promote cultural understanding. This should involve professional conversations and deep critical reflection on a regular basis.
Records of multicultural resources used in programming.
You can capture these in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary and in our Cultural Competence Special Interest Calendar that helps keep it at the forefront of planning.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Practice 5:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Practice 5 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I ensure that all cultures are represented and valued in my setting? (Professional Inquiry)
What strategies do I use to support children’s cultural identity and belonging? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Professional Inquiry, and/or Changes to the Environment depending on your actions)
How do I engage families in sharing their cultural knowledge? (Professional Inquiry)
What professional development opportunities have I explored to improve cultural competence? (Professional Inquiry)
How do I challenge biases and promote inclusivity in my teaching? (Professional Inquiry)
EYLF Practice 6: Continuity of Learning and Transitions
Continuity of learning and transitions focus on supporting children as they move between learning environments, whether from home to early learning, between different educational settings, or from early learning to school.
Applying EYLF Practice 6:
Routines and transitions require as much careful planning and flexibility as the rest of your program. You can show EYLF Practice 6 by:
Collaborating with families and educators to ease transitions for children.
Providing opportunities for children to visit and become familiar with new settings.
Developing transition plans that address individual children’s needs.
Encouraging self-regulation and emotional preparedness for change.
Maintaining consistency in routines, expectations, and teaching approaches while allowing for changes as needed.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Practice 6:
You will have multiple pieces of documentation as children begin their transitions:
Transition statements outlining children’s strengths, interests, and needs.
Observations of children’s responses to transitions and new environments.
Communication logs between educators, families, and schools. A staff communication log like the Children's Centre Diary can help keep the whole service on the same page.
Learning stories capturing children's transition experiences.
Family feedback on the transition process and their child’s adjustment.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Practice 6:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Practice 6 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I support children in managing transitions smoothly? (Routine & Transition Comments)
What strategies do I use to communicate with families about transitions? (Family/Community Input)
How do I ensure continuity of learning across different settings? (Routine & Transition Comments)
What challenges do children face during transitions, and how do I address them? (Routine & Transition Comments)
How do I collaborate with other educators to create seamless transitions? (Professional Inquiry and/or Routine & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
EYLF Practice 7: Assessment and Evaluation for Learning, Development and Wellbeing
Assessment and evaluation are an ongoing process where educators gather and analyse information about children's progress to inform future teaching and learning.
Applying and Documenting EYLF Practice 7:
Educators can use assessment for learning to plan by collecting information from:
Using formative assessments such as observations and learning stories in your Individual Observation Duplicate Book.
Engaging children in self-assessment and reflection on their learning in their Children's Voices Diary.
Collecting work samples and portfolios to track progress over time such as in their Our Amazing Year Learning Journals.
Seeking input from families on children’s learning and development and not only recording it in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary but planning with it.
Adapting learning experiences based on assessment outcomes and showing evidence of these changes in the reflection spread of your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Practice 7:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Practice 7 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I use assessment to inform my teaching? (Programmed Goals & Projected Outcomes Achieved? and/or Professional Inquiry depending on your actions)
What methods do I use to document and track children’s progress?(Programmed Goals & Projected Outcomes Achieved?, Professional Inquiry, and/or Individual/Group Observations Taken This Week depending on your actions)
How do I involve children in reflecting on their own learning? (Programmed Goals & Projected Outcomes Achieved?, Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Learning Data and/or Resources Used depending on your actions)
What role do families play in assessment for learning? (Professional Inquiry)
How can I improve my assessment practices to better support children?(Professional Inquiry)
How can you Share EYLF Practices with Families
You can use our Agency Posters to help families understand the purpose of EYLF Practices and understand how they underpin Educator actions, decision-making and program. Empowering families with this information will support them to integrate into the service and provide input into your program and routines. Sharing these with families will help them connect learning occurring in the room.

How the EYLF Practices Shape Early Learning Environments
Applying the EYLF Practices ensures that early learning environments are nurturing, stimulating, and adaptable to meet children's diverse needs. The EYLF Practices guide educators in creating engaging, safe, and inclusive spaces that foster curiosity, creativity, and lifelong learning.
For example:
Holistic approaches ensure that environments support all aspects of children’s development, integrating physical, emotional, cognitive, and social learning opportunities.
Responsiveness to children as an EYLF Practice allows educators to design flexible environments that evolve based on children's interests, preferences, and developmental needs.
Learning through play supports the creation of rich play spaces that encourage exploration, collaboration, and problem-solving.
Intentional teaching in the EYLF Practices helps educators structure environments that balance child-led learning with guided experiences to deepen understanding.
Culturally competent practices ensure that learning environments reflect the diverse backgrounds and identities of children, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion. This EYLF Practice helps educators embedd cultural competence meaningfully.
By embedding these EYLF Practices into early learning settings, educators create dynamic environments that encourage discovery, independence, and meaningful connections, allowing children to develop foundational skills for lifelong success.
How the EYLF Practices Shape Children's Learning Opportunities
The EYLF Practices directly influence the learning opportunities available to children, ensuring they receive rich, engaging, and developmentally appropriate experiences. By applying these EYLF Practices, educators create an inclusive and supportive learning environment where children are encouraged to explore, problem-solve, and develop foundational skills for lifelong learning.
For example:
Holistic approaches ensure that children’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development are interconnected, fostering a well-rounded learning experience.
Responsiveness to children allows educators to adapt learning experiences to align with children’s interests and needs, promoting engagement and deeper learning.
Learning through play as an EYLF Practice supports problem-solving, creativity, and social skills, enabling children to explore concepts in a meaningful way.
Intentional teaching provides purposeful guidance and scaffolding, helping children extend their thinking and build new skills.
Assessment for learning ensures that educators continuously reflect on and adapt their teaching strategies to support children's progress and individual needs.
By embedding these EYLF Practices into daily routines and interactions, educators create dynamic learning environments where children can thrive and develop essential skills for the future.The EYLF Practices provide a strong foundation for shaping children's learning opportunities by fostering meaningful, engaging, and developmentally appropriate experiences. Through a well-rounded approach, the EYLF Practices empower children to thrive and reach their full potential in early childhood education and beyond.
How the EYLF Practices Shape Educator Actions
The EYLF Practices not only shape children’s learning experiences but also influence educators' actions and decision-making. By embedding these EYLF Practices into daily routines, educators create enriching, inclusive, and high-quality learning environments that support children's development and well-being.
Key ways the EYLF Practices shape educator actions and decision-making include:
Encouraging reflective practice, allowing educators to evaluate their teaching methods and continuously improve their approaches to meet children's needs.
Fostering responsive interactions, ensuring that educators actively listen and adapt to children's interests, abilities, and cultural backgrounds.
Promoting intentional teaching, enabling educators to use thoughtful and purposeful strategies to scaffold children's learning and extend their thinking.
Enhancing play-based learning, supporting educators in creating dynamic, inquiry-driven environments where children can explore and develop essential skills.
Strengthening partnerships with families and communities, ensuring that children’s learning experiences are connected between home, early learning settings, and broader communities.
By incorporating these EYLF Practices, educators ensure that their teaching remains adaptive, inclusive, and supportive, fostering meaningful and developmentally appropriate learning experiences for all children.
For a deep dive into the EYLF Principles check out this article.