The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) is the foundation of early childhood education in Australia, guiding educators in fostering children's learning and development. Central to this framework are the EYLF Principles, which provide a strong foundation for high-quality education and care. Understanding these principles is essential for educators to create meaningful learning experiences that support children's holistic development.
What Are the EYLF Principles?
The EYLF Principles underpin teaching practices, relationships, and environments in early childhood education and care settings. The EYLF Principles reflect contemporary research and best practices in supporting children's development. The five EYLF Principles are:
- Principle 1: Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships
- Principle 2: Partnerships
- Principle 3: Respect for Diversity
- Principle 4: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives
- Principle 5: Equity, Inclusion and High Expectations
- Principle 6: Sustainability
- Principle 7: Critical Reflection and Ongoing Professional Learning
- Principle 8: Collaborative Leadership and Teamwork
EYLF Principle 1: Secure, Respectful and Reciprocal Relationships
Relationships form the cornerstone of children's development. When children feel secure and respected, they develop confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging. Educators play a critical role in fostering relationships that promote emotional security and trust, creating a foundation for positive social interactions and learning.
Applying EYLF Principle 1
The below practices can help you embed EYLF Principle 1: Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships into your program:
Establishing predictable routines and responding sensitively to children’s needs.
Using positive language and active listening to build strong relationships.
Encouraging peer interactions through group activities and collaborative play.
Providing comfort and reassurance to children during transitions or stressful moments.
Creating a welcoming environment where children feel safe to express themselves.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Principle 1:
There are numerous methods of capturing evidence of your use of EYLF Principle 1: Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships into your program. EYLF Principle 1 can often be seen throughout your existing documentation, including:
Observations noting how a child responds to a secure relationship with an educator like those captured in your Individual Observation Duplicate Book.
Reflections on strategies used to build trust with a child who is new to the setting captured alongside your program in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Photos or learning stories capturing moments of positive interactions that can be included into your Diary quickly with your Programming and Reflection Printer Pack.
Notes on children's emotional responses to various interactions and experiences.
Feedback from children and families about their relationships within the setting.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Principle 1:
Here are some reflective prompts to help you understand how you are applying EYLF Principle 1: Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships in your practice. You can critically reflect using these questions and record it your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary's Reflection Spread as shown below:
How do I create a sense of security and trust with each child? (Programming Goals & Projected Outcomes Achieved and/or Changes to the Environment depending on your actions)
What strategies do I use to strengthen relationships with children? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered)
How do I respond to children’s emotional needs effectively? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered)
In what ways do I encourage positive social interactions between children? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Resources Used and/or Changes to the Environment depending on your actions)
What feedback have I received from families about the relationships in my setting? (Family/Community Input)
EYLF Principle 2: Partnerships
Families are children’s first and most influential teachers. The EYLF recognises the importance of strong partnerships between educators and families. Effective communication, collaboration, and respect for family perspectives ensure that children's learning is supported both at home and in the early learning environment. Encouraging family involvement enhances continuity in children’s learning and development.
Applying EYLF Principle 2:
When applying EYLF Principle 2, you could consider:
Hosting regular meetings or informal chats with families to discuss children’s progress.
Encouraging parents to contribute to curriculum planning by sharing family traditions, experiences, and cultural practices.
Using communication methods like programs and newsletters to keep families informed and engaged.
Creating family-friendly spaces within the centre to encourage participation.
Inviting families to share their skills, talents, and cultural backgrounds in activities.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Principle 2:
Capturing and recording family feedback is significantly important as it should form an integral part of your program. You can record this feedback for use in your planning through:
Family feedback forms or correspondence logs.
Notes from discussions with families about their child’s interests or progress recorded under Family/Community Input in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Collaborative learning plans incorporating family input like in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Photos or documentation of family engagement in activities.
Records of family contributions to curriculum planning and events.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Principle 2:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Principle 2 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I actively involve families in their child’s learning? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered)
What strategies do I use to ensure effective communication with families? (Professional Inquiry)
How do I respect and incorporate family perspectives in curriculum planning? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Routines & Transition Comments and/or Professional Inquiry depending on your actions)
What feedback have I received from families about their involvement? (Family/Community Input)
How can I strengthen partnerships with families who are less engaged? (Professional Inquiry)
EYLF Principle 3: Respect for Diversity
Respecting diversity means acknowledging and valuing the different cultural backgrounds, languages, abilities, and perspectives that children, families, and educators bring to the learning environment. By fostering inclusive practices, educators create a sense of belonging and help children develop cultural awareness and appreciation for differences.
Applying EYLF Principle 3:
There are many ways to celebrate and respect diversity, for example:
Integrating multicultural books, music, and resources into daily activities which will be visible in your program in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Encouraging children to share their cultural backgrounds and traditions.
Providing opportunities for bilingual or multilingual language exposure.
Organising cultural celebrations and inviting families to participate. A list of different cultural celebrations that may be relevant to your service can be found in the front of your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Creating an inclusive environment that values different perspectives and backgrounds.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Principle 3:
Your respect for diversity will be visible in your documentation around EYLF Principle 3:
Observations on children engaging with diverse cultural materials.
Photos or learning stories highlighting cultural activities and celebrations.
Notes on discussions about diversity and inclusion within the centre.
Feedback from families about cultural representation in learning experiences.
Records of language and cultural learning experiences incorporated into programming.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Principle 3:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Principle 3 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I ensure that diverse cultures are represented in my program? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Professional Inquiry, Changes to the Environment, and/or Resources Used depending on your actions)
What strategies do I use to promote inclusivity and respect for different backgrounds? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Professional Inquiry, Changes to the Environment, and/or Resources Used depending on your actions)
How do I support children in developing cultural competence? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Professional Inquiry, Changes to the Environment, and/or Resources Used depending on your actions)
In what ways do I involve families in sharing their cultural perspectives?(Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Professional Inquiry, Changes to the Environment, and/or Resources Used depending on your actions)
How do I reflect on and challenge my own biases to create a more inclusive environment? (Professional Inquiry)
EYLF Principle 4: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives
Recognising and embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in early childhood education fosters respect, understanding, and a sense of belonging for First Nations children and families. This EYLF Principle acknowledges the unique cultural heritage and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, ensuring that their perspectives are meaningfully integrated into learning environments.
Applying EYLF Principle 4:
You can apply Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives meaningfully into the program by:
Incorporating Indigenous stories, songs, and symbols into daily learning experiences.
Building relationships with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and Elders.
Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives across the curriculum.
Encouraging children to explore and appreciate Indigenous culture and history.
Providing professional learning opportunities on cultural competency for educators.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Principle 4:
Your meaningful practice may be captured through:
Learning stories highlighting children's engagement with Indigenous perspectives.
Photos of cultural activities, such as art, music, and storytelling sessions.
Observations of children expressing understanding and appreciation of Indigenous cultures.
Reflections on how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are incorporated into teaching practices.
Records of collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and families.
You can use a tool like our Cultural Responsiveness Calendar to help you meaningfully embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in your program.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Principle 4:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Principle 4 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into daily practice? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Learning Data, Changes to the Environment, Resources Used, Family/Community Input, and/or Routines & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
In what ways do I foster a culturally inclusive environment? (Professional Inquiry)
How do I engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to enhance learning experiences? (Professional Inquiry)
How do I reflect on my own cultural competency and understanding of Indigenous perspectives? (Professional Inquiry)
What strategies do I use to ensure that Indigenous perspectives are embedded meaningfully rather than tokenistically? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Learning Data, Changes to the Environment, Resources Used, Family/Community Input, and/or Routines & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
EYLF Principle 5: Equity, Inclusion and High Expectations
Every child has the right to access quality education and achieve their full potential. This EYLF Principle promotes inclusivity, ensuring that all children—regardless of their background, abilities, or circumstances—are given equitable opportunities to learn. Educators are encouraged to maintain high expectations and provide tailored support to help each child succeed.
Applying EYLF Principle 5:
To ensure high expectations, inclusion and equity are present across your whole program and practice, consider:
Setting individual learning goals that challenge and support each child’s development.
Providing differentiated learning experiences to accommodate diverse needs.
Encouraging a growth mindset by celebrating effort and persistence.
Using inclusive teaching strategies to support children with additional needs.
Advocating for resources and support services for children who need extra assistance.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Principle 5:
Learning documents as outlined below will highlight the use of EYLF Principle 5:
Individual learning plans and goal-setting records.
Observations showcasing a child overcoming challenges like those captured in your Individual Observation Duplicate Book.
Records of modifications made to activities to ensure accessibility which can be captured under Resources Used and Changes to the Environment in your reflection spread in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.
Progress notes highlighting how learning supports are tailored to each child.
Feedback from children and families about learning goals and achievements. Children's voices can be captured through our Children's Voices Diary, given them a real-life method of documenting their thoughts and reflections.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Principle 5:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Principle 5 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I set high expectations while ensuring equity in learning experiences? (Professional Inquiry, Learning Data and/or Changes to the Environment depending on your actions)
What strategies do I use to support children with diverse learning needs? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Resources Used and/or Changes to the Environment depending on your actions)
How do I track and celebrate each child's progress? (Individual/Group Observations Taken this Week)
How do I ensure my teaching practices are inclusive and equitable? (Professional Inquiry)
In what ways do I advocate for children’s learning needs? (Learning Data and/or Professional Inquiry depending on your actions)
EYLF Principle 6: Sustainability
Sustainability in early childhood education fosters respect and responsibility for the environment, encouraging children to develop lifelong sustainable practices. Educators play a crucial role in embedding sustainability into everyday learning, helping children develop an understanding of their impact on the world. The principle encompasses the three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social and economic.
Applying EYLF Principle 6:
You can show you are embedding sustainable practices into your program by:
Implementing recycling, composting, and energy-saving initiatives in learning environments.
Encouraging outdoor play and interactions with nature to build environmental awareness.
Embedding sustainability concepts into storytelling, discussions, and creative activities.
Supporting children in understanding and participating in sustainable practices like growing food.
Engaging families and communities in sustainability projects and discussions.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Principle 6:
Documenting meaningful sustainable practices and experiences can be simple with the use of:
Photos and learning stories capturing children engaging in sustainable practices.
Observations of children's developing environmental awareness and problem-solving.
Documentation of discussions, projects, or excursions focused on sustainability.
Family input on sustainability practices and contributions to environmental projects.
Reflections on how sustainability is integrated into teaching practices and centre operations.
Resources like our Sustainability Calendar and Educational Program Cards can help you embed sustainability into everyday practice through initiatives that involve all stakeholders.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Principle 6:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Principle 6 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I incorporate sustainability into everyday learning experiences? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Learning Data, Changes to the Environment, Resources Used, Family/Community Input, and/or Routines & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
What opportunities do I provide for children to engage with nature and environmental care? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered, Learning Data, Changes to the Environment, Resources Used, Family/Community Input, and/or Routines & Transition Comments depending on your actions)
How do I model and encourage sustainable practices in the learning environment? (Intentional Teaching/Learning Experiences Covered)
In what ways do I collaborate with families and the community to promote sustainability? (Professional Inquiry)
How do I reflect on and improve sustainability practices in my teaching and learning setting? (Professional Inquiry)
EYLF Principle 7: Critical Reflection and Ongoing Professional Learning
Ongoing learning and reflective practice encourage educators to continuously improve their teaching methods, stay informed about the latest research, and adapt to the evolving needs of children. Reflecting on experiences and engaging in professional development ensures that educators provide high-quality education and care, promoting better outcomes for children.
Applying EYLF Principle 7:
The following actions when embedded into your practice consistency can support EYLF Principle 7:
Engaging in professional development and training opportunities.
Reflecting on daily practices and adapting teaching strategies accordingly. Check out our articles in our blog on critical reflection to help you ensure you are reflecting critically in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary and not just reflecting.
Seeking feedback from colleagues and families to improve teaching approaches.
Participating in collaborative discussions and mentoring programs.
Keeping a reflective journal, like your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary, to document and refine teaching practices.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Principle 7:
The below methods of documentation can be used to show your ongoing learning and reflective practice:
Personal reflective journals tracking changes in teaching methods.
Notes from peer observations and professional development sessions.
Documentation of changes made based on reflective insights.
Feedback logs from families and colleagues.
Records of participation in professional learning communities which can be recorded in your Professional Development record in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Principle 7:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Principle 7 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I engage in reflective practice to improve my teaching? (Professional Inquiry)
What professional development opportunities have I explored recently?(Professional Inquiry)
How do I incorporate feedback from colleagues and families into my practice?(Professional Inquiry)
In what ways do I challenge myself to grow as an educator?(Professional Inquiry)
How do I document and track my progress in reflective practice?(Professional Inquiry)
EYLF Principle 8: Collaborative Leadership and Teamwork
Collaborative leadership and teamwork play a critical role in creating a cohesive, supportive, and high-quality early learning environment. Effective collaboration between educators, families, and the broader community strengthens professional relationships and enhances learning experiences for children.
Applying EYLF Principle 8:
Collaborative leadership and teamwork is evident throughout your practices such as:
Encouraging open communication and shared decision-making among educators.
Providing mentoring opportunities to support professional growth.
Engaging in team reflections to continuously improve teaching practices.
Developing partnerships with external organisations to enrich learning experiences.
Fostering a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration in the workplace.
Documentation of your use of EYLF Principle 8:
It is important for documentation to demonstrate the collaborative environment in your service. You can capture it with:
Meeting minutes documenting team discussions and decisions. Butler Diaries' Office Diaries contain meeting minutes templates every month.
Observations of successful team collaboration in action.
Professional learning plans reflecting team development goals. Your Educational Leader Diary helps you capture your reflective conversations and professional learning plans.
Learning stories capturing collaborative projects with children.
Feedback from staff, families, and community members about teamwork efforts.

Reflection Prompts on EYLF Principle 8:
Record your critical reflections on EYLF Principle 8 in the below sections in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diary:
How do I contribute to a positive and collaborative team culture? (Professional Inquiry)
What strategies do I use to encourage effective teamwork? (Professional Inquiry)
How do I support and mentor colleagues in their professional growth? (Professional Inquiry)
How do I engage families and the community in collaborative learning experiences? (Professional Inquiry)
What steps can I take to improve communication and leadership within my team? (Professional Inquiry)
How can you Share EYLF Principles with Families
You can use our Agency Posters to introduce families to the EYLF Principles and share how they are used in your service. Highlighting the importance of these principles will empower families to participate in the program and collaborate with Educators. It also helps families identify EYLF principles in action in your program and environments.

How the EYLF Principles Shape Early Learning Environments
Applying the EYLF Principles ensures that early learning settings provide children with a nurturing and stimulating environment. These EYLF Principles guide educators in designing play-based experiences, fostering emotional security, and creating culturally responsive programs that support children’s individual learning journeys.
For example:
Encouraging secure relationships through consistent and responsive caregiving helps children build trust and confidence.
Establishing strong partnerships with families ensures learning is reinforced beyond the early learning setting.
Embedding equity and inclusion in teaching practices allows every child to thrive, regardless of their background or abilities.
Promoting respect for diversity through multicultural activities, language support, and storytelling enriches children’s understanding of the world.
Engaging in reflective practice enables educators to assess their approaches and continuously improve the quality of education and care.
How the EYLF Principles Shape Educator Practice
The EYLF Principles not only guide children’s learning experiences but also shape educators' professional practice. By embedding these EYLF Principles into their daily routines, educators create inclusive, high-quality learning environments that foster positive outcomes for children.
Key ways the EYLF Principles shape educator practice include:
Encouraging reflective practice, helping educators assess their teaching strategies and refine their approaches to meet children’s individual needs.
Strengthening collaborative relationships with colleagues, families, and communities to support shared learning and holistic child development.
Promoting inclusive teaching by ensuring all children, regardless of background or ability, have access to equitable learning opportunities.
Supporting professional growth, as educators engage in ongoing learning and development to stay informed about best practices and new research.
Enhancing child-centred planning, ensuring that each child’s voice, interests, and developmental needs are considered in programming.
How the EYLF Principles Shape Children's Learning Opportunities
The EYLF Principles directly influence the learning opportunities available to children, ensuring they receive rich, engaging, and developmentally appropriate experiences. By applying these EYLF Principles, educators create an inclusive and supportive learning environment where children are encouraged to explore, problem-solve, and develop foundational skills for lifelong learning.
For example:
Play-based learning is enhanced when children feel secure, leading to deeper engagement and exploration.
Family involvement ensures that learning is meaningful and connected to children's real-world experiences.
High expectations, inclusion and equity inspire children to persist and take on challenges in their learning.
Diversity in learning experiences allows children to see their culture and identity reflected in the curriculum.
Reflective practice by educators ensures that learning opportunities are continuously refined and adapted to meet children’s evolving needs.
By embedding these principles into practice, educators support children's confidence, curiosity, and ability to engage with the world in meaningful ways. You can use the language and links inside this article in your Weekly Programming and Reflection Diaries to make it visible to all.
For a deep dive into the EYLF Practices check out this article.