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NQF Changes to Know About

NQF Changes to Know About

Updated NQF Guide

An updated version of the Guide to the National Quality Framework (NQF) is available and you can expect it to continue to update throughout 2023 to reflect the agreed changes from the 2019 NQF Review.

Excellent Rating Changes

This month changes have been made to the Excellent Rating. The highest rating for the National Quality Standard will now be extended from three to five calendar years. If a service applies using the Excellent Rating Application this month and onwards and is approved, their Excellent Rating will be rewarded for a five year period. If you are unsuccessful, you can apply again in three years if you are rated Exceeding in all 7 areas. Unfortunately for centres awarded the Excellent Rating before June 1st, 2023, their period remains three years. WA changes come into effect later in the year.

Learn more: Excellent rating webpage.

OSHC Documentation Changes

SA, TAS, and VIC will now align with the same regulations concerning documentation as NT, NSW, and QLD. WA should check their legislation for commencement date.

"To meet these requirements, the approved provider must ensure that evidence about the development of the educational program for a child/young person over preschool age is documented. This can be reflected by documenting how and why the educational program has been developed to support all participants in the program." -

For support on your OSHC Documentation needs, check out our OSHC Collection.

2nd Round NQF Review

Findings from the 2019 NQF reivew have been approved and the second round of regulation changes are coming into effect for most this month, including:

  1. Flexibility for replacing educators on resignations or short term absences,
  2. Expansion of the definition of 'person with management or control',
  3. Adjustments to FDC coordinator to educator ratios for services operating at least 12 months and all FDC educators must hold at least an approved certificate III prior to commencement (existing educators will have 12 months to complete their qualifications),
  4. Increase to prescribed fees as well as introduce a new category of fees for large services

A third and final round of regulatory and legislative changes will come into effect later in 2023. 

Changes to Assessment & Rating Notice Periods

The changes you can expect in the Assessment and Rating process includes:

  • Most Assessment and Rating visits will be given a shorter notice period of 1-5 days,
  • Partial Assessments and Ratings will be more greatly used and will also be subject to 1-5 day notice periods, and
  • The focus will move away from point in time preparation and into a focus on the service's self-assessment and QIP.

Learn more.

EYLF and MTOP V2.0

The new Frameworks begin next year and many services are beginning their transition now. Here we unpack the New EYLF V 2.0 and MTOP V 2.0 Frameworks.

Child Care Subsidy

We shared the changes to the Child Care Subsidy in a May article. These changes include;

As of the 1st of July, the Child Care Subsidy Gap Fee must be paid electronically.

As of the 10th of July, the changes to the Child Care Subsidy rate and eligibility will come into effect. This includes:

  • A 5% increase of the maximum Child Care Subsidy (from 85% to 90%),
  • The new rate applies to families earning $80,000 or less,
  • For every $5,000 of family income over $80,000, the rate decreases by 1% (0% for families earning $530,000 or more), and
  • Families with more than one child 5 or under can still get the higher rate for the younger children ($362,408 family income cap).

Learn more about the Child Care Subsidy Changes.

Learn More

This is just a summary of some of the changes. All the changes to NQF are published here - It's best practice to check the website regularly and ensure you are up to date with all your compliance requirements.

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