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2025 Family Day Care Compliance Diary: What's New

2025 Family Day Care Compliance Diary: What's New

We collected your feedback over 2024 and made some changes to the 2025 Family Day Care Compliance Checklist Diary. We have now jam packed more of your compliance needs into the same Diary while reducing how bulky it is! Sounds impossible we know, but we did it! Here we go through the changes and give you some examples and explanations on how to use the new layout.

The 2025 Family Day Care Compliance Diary is available now!

Now includes Visitor Sign-In

At the start of every month you'll now find a 'Visitor Sign-In for Month' section. Here you can capture your visitor sign-ins each month, keeping yet another compliance requirement in the same place.

Simply ask your visitors to write the time 'in', their 'name', 'reason' for visit, 'working with children no' and 'signature', remembering to ask them to record their time 'out' as they leave. This simple layout is quick and efficient while recording everything you need.

This handy monthly page also includes 'Plans for Month Ahead' giving you more space for your plans and goal setting.

New Day Page Layout

You'll see the day page layout looks a little different. It includes the same important information as well as capturing a few more critical details.

Daily Sleep Chart, Daily Nappy Changing Chart and Sunscreen Application

The Daily Sleep and Nappy Changing Charts are now sitting on the right in a line meaning you only have to record the name of the child once and you can complete their sleep records and nappy change records by following the column down the page. Simple and yet a time saver.

Your sunscreen application section has not changed.

Daily Checklists

Your daily safety and cleaning checklists are still there, however, they've been better managed so it only includes your daily checks and your weekly checks can be found at the end of the week (we will get there later).

New Sections

Children Away: Your day page now captures 'children away' to support you to see your exclusion requirements at a glance and support supervision.

Finances/PaymentsYou can now record your expenses and materials purchased as well as payments expected or received from parents.

New Weekend Layout

We asked you if you use the weekend layout and the consensus was this could be better used to capture a weekly menu, so we did just that.

Your weekend layout is now combined to include a small notes section for Saturday and Sunday. You'll also find a section for your Notes/To Do for the week giving you a great overview. Your Weekly Cleaning Checklist is now displayed here giving you a better overview of when those deeper weekly cleans were completed. You can even note the day by using 'M', 'TU', 'W', etc. rather than just ticking the space.

What do you do if you work over the weekend? If you work the Saturday or Sunday instead of a Monday or Wednesday for example, simply cross off the date at the top and note the day you are actually working. 

Weekly Menu

We had some feedback that the menu in the 2024 Diary did not accommodate the needs of Family Day Care Services so you now have a complete 'Weekly Menu' space each week to record your meals, Breakfast through to Dinner, Monday through to Friday.


The 2025 Family Day Care Compliance Diary has everything you love and more with a Visitor Sign In, Weekly Menu and more efficient records. If you have any questions about the new layout, please email us at and we'd be happy to help!

The 2025 Family Day Care Compliance Diary will become available for pre-order around June/July 2024. The product page will also include an image of the new layout so you can check it out before pre-ordering.

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