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Excursion Approvals

Toddler in park on excursion - Butler Creative Childcare Resources

Risk Evaluation and Approval

This will be completed after the co-ordinator has inspected the venue and addressed the hazard controls required if any.

All children and staff to be attending are listed with their contact details.

Parents are to sign their approval of the excursion after reading and understanding the Risk Management Plan and Evaluation.

Parents must also initial the sign in form on the day of the excursion.

If the excursion plans change at all on or before the day a new risk assessment  & parents consent must be provided for administration and insurance purposes.


102 Authorisation for excursions

(1) The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that a child being educated and cared for by the service is not taken outside the education and care service premises on an excursion unless written authorisation has been provided under subregulation (4). Penalty: $1000.

(2) The nominated supervisor of an education and care service must ensure that a child being educated and cared for by the service is not taken outside the education and care service premises on an excursion unless written authorisation has been provided under subregulation (4) Penalty: $1000.

(3) A family day care educator must ensure that a child who is being educated and cared for by the educator as part of a family day care service is not taken outside the residence or approved family day care venue on an excursion unless written authorisation has been provided under subregulation (4).  Penalty: $1000.

(4) The authorisation must be given by a parent or other person named in the child’s enrolment record as having authority to authorise the taking of the child outside the education and care service premises by an educator and must state-

(a) the child’s name; and

(b) the reason the child is to be taken outside the premises; and

(c) the date the child is to be taken on the excursion (unless the authorisation is for a regular outing); and

(d) a description of the proposed destination for the excursion; and

(e) the method of transport to be used for the excursion; and

(f) the proposed activities to be undertaken by the child during the excursion; and

(g) the period the child will be away from the premises; and

(h) the anticipated number of children likely to be attending the excursion; and

(i) the anticipated ratio of educators attending the excursion to the anticipated number of children attending the excursion; and

(j) the anticipated number of staff members and any other adults who will accompany and supervise the children on the excursion; and

(k) that a risk assessment has been prepared and is available at the service.

(5) If the excursion is a regular outing, the authorisation is only required to be obtained once in a 12 month period.

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