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Administration of Medication in Early Childhood Settings

Administration of Medication to a baby - Butler Creative Childcare Resources

When considering the Administration of Medication in Early Childhood Settings, you need review ACECQA’s comments on your obligations under the regulations and law. (ACECQA: Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011- version June  2014)


National Law: Section 167 (protection from harm and hazards)

National Regulations: Regulations 92–96, 178, 181–184

The Administration of Medication in Childcare or Early Childhood Settings (including prescription, over-the-counter and homeopathic medications) must not be applied to a child at a service without authorisation by a parent or person with the authority to consent to administration of medical attention to the child.

Emergencies and the Administration of Medication in Childcare

In the case of an emergency, it is acceptable to obtain verbal consent from a parent, or a registered medical practitioner or medical emergency services if the child’s parent cannot be contacted. In the case of an anaphylaxis or asthma emergency, medication may be administered to a child without authorisation. With this circumstance, the child’s parent and emergency services must be contacted as soon as possible.

The medication must be administered:

  • from its original container before the expiry or use-by date
  • in accordance with any instructions attached to the medication or provided by a registered medical practitioner
  • for prescribed medications, from a container that bears the original label with the name of the child to whom it is prescribed
  • with a second person checking the dosage of the medication and witnessing its administration
  • details of the administration must be recorded in the medication record.

In the case of a family day care service, or a service that is permitted to have only one educator, a second person is not required to check the dosage and witness the administration of the medication.

National Regulations set out requirements for confidentiality and the storage of records of Administration of Medication in Childcare.

A child over preschool age may self-administer medication under the following circumstances:

  • written authorisation is provided by a person with the authority to consent to the administration of medication
  • the medical conditions policy of the service includes practices for self-administration of medication.

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